Living Green in the Garden – W

A Rainwater Catchment System:  Rain Barrel Program in Vancouver Canada saves water. 
Accept a new type of wastewater treatment system in your home:  Advantages and disadvantages of collecting rainwater
Alternative construction methods to save water:  Why use a pail of water to flush when a cup will do? 
Annual water use of 8000 litres per full time employee:  Utilizing the best state-of-the-art energy and water efficient measures available 
Austins Zilker Park showcases rainwater harvesting:  Dual flush toilets are ideal for buildings with a high daytime use
Beneficial reuse of reclaimed water:  Canadian 12-page research report 
Build a simple rain barrel:  A power station’s dependence on potable water greatly reduced while assured of a reliable, continuous source. 
Case studies on reducing facilities water usage:  Rain barrels, the simplest rainwater collection devices, can save thousands of gallons of tap water each year, and save money and energy  / (added 09/2005)
Centre for Science & Environment New Delhi:  Large US companies initiate reuse and recycling 
Cisterns to Collect Non-Potable Water for Domestic Use:  The Indian journey of rainwater harvesting 
Design tips for rooftop rainwater harvesting in Bangalore:  At present, the two leading desalination technologies are thermal and membrane 
Drinking Water Needs Of Farm Animals:  Innovative efficient ways to capture vapor in German greenhouses & urban structures
Environmentally friendly cruise ships an oxymoron:  Dairy and livestock farm water reuse practices 
Global Recycling Network :  Utilizing innovative fog collectors and effective rainfall collectors to make optimum use of natural atmospheric sources of water. 
Harvesting Rainwater For Landscape Use:  Simple systems use catchment areas such as roofs, sidewalks, and patios to direct rainwater runoff to vegetation. 
Healthy House water & wastewater technologies:  University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 
Home Use Of Rainwater & Graywater:  Innovative Canadian approaches to recycling water 
Houses of the Future Excellence in sustainable design:  Conserve, reuse and augment summarize Arizona’s strategy to meet new water needs. 
Humanure Handbook Online :  Water Reclamation & Management Scheme (WRAMS), Australia’s first large-scale urban water recycling system
Indoor gray water reuse:   filled with information about composting human waste.
Initiative recyclage :  Case studies, links and references for indoor gray water reuse. 
Interconnecting water tanks function as dividers:   / (added 09/2005)
Irrigation with recycled water in green houses:  Ongoing research at Henties Bay Marine & Coastal Resources Research Centre also includes solar desalination. 
King County Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials :  Surplus water and fertilizer do not accumulate in the soil less substrate, creating a runoff of up to 40%. A pump returns water and nutrients to the greenhouse. 
Melbourne Water Autonomous House:  dedicated to finding markets for recycled materials.
Much water conservation in the home iscommon sense:  Rain catching pointers stress water efficiency and reuse 
New York Cityscomprehensive Water Reuse Program:  Grey water qualities & uses. Centre for Alternative Technology.
Pacific Northwest Collecting Rainwater:  Lower Murray Water’s desire is to protect riverine environments in Australia
QUALORG:  Do it yourself rain barrel construction. Resource listing. 
Rain Barrel Guide:  a quality procedure for biowaste management
Rainwater Catchement Systems Assoc:  Desert House at Phoenix Botanical Garden 
Rainwater Harvesting Calculator:  Roof washers, filters and ultraviolet light sterilize rainwater at 10 gallons per minute.
Recycling Gray Water can stretch your water budget:  Reuse the final rinse water in the initial wash water stage and consider reducing nozzle size 
Retention grading allows rainwater to percolate naturally:  WVU Extension Service, Center for Agricultural & Natural Resources Development 
Reverse osmosis membrane filtration systems:  These "Sunken Gardens" are capable of holding water in a flash flood
Runoff handling at feedlots:  Untapped opportunities
Safe Use of Household Greywater:  Helpful worksheets for manure and runoff collection from open lots systems 
Saving water through better systems & technology:  NMSU Guide for uses of treated and untreated grey water. 
Sequential water reuse:  Salt-tolerant forages may serve as needed link in water reuse system for agriculture. 
Smart Water Fund:  Farmers use ag drainage water from lettuce to irrigate the more salt-tolerant cotton crop and then used again on extremely salt-tolerant crops before the much-reduced volume of water is pumped into a comparatively small evaporation pond.
Space-saving secure and flexible rainwater storage:  One innovative approach to reduce the area’s potable water demands
The Humanure Handbook Online :  A primer of the basic principles of captured rainfall, with an emphasis on residential and small-scale commercial applications. 
Thermal treatment of municipal solid waste:  Untapped opportunities 
Unique and creative approaches to environmental sustainability:  Fog water technology help communities hours away from water get water. A Canadian and Nepalese partnership
Urban and rural household wastewater reuse:  Cancer Research Center in Seattle wins 3 environmental awards for saving water & energy 
Urban Water Infrastructure Assessment:  Savings reflected in water resources and your water bill. 
Water from waste:  A least cost planning approach two case studies in Sydney, Australia.
Water Gets A Second Chance:  Effluent waters from intensive rural industries are recycled in irrigation avoiding pollution and turning waste into wealth. 
Water Recycling cleaning water the way nature does:  Recycled pipes, valves and sprinkler heads are easily recognizable by their purple color 
Water recycling in the paper industry:  Explore an ecological wastewater recycling system in Chatham County, NC 
Water Reuse Association:  Environmental awareness reduces water usage 
Water Reuse in Texas:  A international organization dedicated to increasing the beneficial use of recycled water 
What is a Low Impact Development?:  Water reuse is a proven water management strategy for a growing population. 

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